Your voice was all i heard
I want you back.

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Me, Myself & I

ZIQING, 11.03.95!
I'm currently a student of Yuhua Secondary school. #11 Volleyballer. I ♥ TH-BUEYBAHHS & #11! I am not greedy because i just want lots of laughters! :D
@Facebook @MSN @Twitter @Tumblr @Askme

Look at my craps

Crap with me

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Take a big big bow

Please do not remove the credits. :)

Layout/Editor: Purple-licious
Resources: N-serendipity. kisses.away nutzzzzz xoxo

Monday, May 31, 2010 Monday, May 31, 2010

Went JP today to shop for things . Jessica & Zimin have their lunch at mac . Zimin gave me her shrek toys cause she already have one . hahahah ! Shopping after that . Bought a set of clothes :D The way we want buy clothes super funny ! AHAHAHA ! You will sure laugh when you withness it . Jessica's nail was use to test for the colours . hahaha ! But at the end , she still show it off ! She still took pictures with her auntie lucy style :b She's indeed an auntie ! hahahah ! Shall end my post lerh :D

Sunday, May 30, 2010 Sunday, May 30, 2010

Went Vivo City with Yokelin , Jessica , Wilson & sherrine ! Repair phone & went to walk walk .. @ Toy'r'us & etc .. We took pictures everywhere . Hahahahha , Crazy right ?
Watch Shrek ; The Final Chapter & the fat cat was so cute when it gives an innocent eyes . hahahah ! WTF ! After the movie , went around shopping & HSH . Let the pictures do the talk now :D

OMG ! This picture makes me laugh like mad !

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HEYHEYHEY ! E-learning for these 2 days : Tuesday & Wednesday . Went to school for it . hahaha ! I just gonna post about today . In these post , the one named "yao yao" refer to Jessica .
On the way to school , saw Claudia , Yaoyao & Lay yi , hence join them for breakfast . Walk to school at around 8 plusplus . Reach MotherLoveChicken & on PC . Can't find pure chemisty , so slack while waited for the things to be sort out .. At last , we were told to do the combined chem . -.-
We finished everything (only have chemistry) & its like only about 9am . We can't go off until 12pm plus .. So slack in the lab . Slept behind the wall with Yokelin *don't anyhow think* , then when i was going to be asleep , the stupid yaoyao & lay yi come disturb by taking photos :S

In the end , can't sleep no matter how hard i tried . Ohhh , slackslackslack .. Saw 11:11 :D Nice number (: hahahahah !

When walking to Huayi's bus stop , i kept calling "yaoyao" but no reply . Then i just said " YAOYAO ! There's something on your butt " & jessica reacts by touching her butt , trying to sweep off the 'something' . hahaahah ! She admitted that she is yaoyao . hahahahaha ! I can't stop laughing huh !

I find myself so smart & clever ! Hahahahahah ! I am SILLY-LY CUTE ! :D

Monday, May 24, 2010 Monday, May 24, 2010

School for today is just at hall , listening to talks .. So bored larh . Walao eh , sit until butt pain larh . Well , Sec 2s went Kota Tinggi for their camp .. ;C How i hope time will stop at our Sec 2s @ Bintan ;C I will miss my mama priscilla :D Hahahah !

There's sexuality education & MsLee is the speaker , when it's question time . Yokelin wrote a super irritating question which is " Will masturbating cause STI ? " & she is hoping that her query would be answered . Hahahaha !

Had smoking talk & it's like freaking long :X Managed to survived through the talk cause i did not die of boredom . LOLS ! Financial talk after that . Walao , more bored :S The speaker , Benny was late . So while waiting , talked & read .. Hahah !

When he reached , Zimin find him like very saggy like that , heehee ! He talk talk & talk , until very agitated .. What's the matter siah ? When he ended his talk , we did survey . Claudia saw something dropped from his bag while taking charger . Guess what , it's condom .

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ! It's so fucking disgusting ! A teacher took it & threw it away . We played volleyball & when all people is gone , Zimin went to the dustbin & took it . Out of curiousity , Yokelin opened it . Hahaha , we not pervert , just curious . It's like so disgusting lorh , the smell sucks like hell , like when the dentist put his/her hand with gloves into your mouth . Ewwwwww ! x_x

I was said to be silly-ly cute . Hahahah !
I am silly-ly cute ! I am silly-ly cute ! I am silly-ly cute ! I am silly-ly cute ! I am silly-ly cute ! I am silly-ly cute ! I am silly-ly cute ! I am silly-ly cute ! I am silly-ly cute ! I am silly-ly cute ! I am silly-ly cute ! :D
Poker awhile & HSH . :D

Friday, May 21, 2010 Friday, May 21, 2010

I am not very happy recently , so don't try to do anything funny to me . Take this advice or you will die terribly .

There's many things i don't want/fear :
-Don't want holiday to come so quickly
-Don't want to take my report book
-Fear that they will be disappointed upon seeing it
-Fear that history will repeat itself
& .....................................................

Things are against my will . I don't know what i should do . I tried very hard but things just couldn't go smoothly . WHY ?! I feel like giving up , but can i ? Sometimes , knowing nothing is better than knowing everything . Keep it to yourself & it will never leak out .

I keep telling myself : forget it , it's not the first time anyway , it doesn't matter anymore . But the other side keep telling me : No , you shouldn't , it's not your fault .Which one should i listened to ?! Is there any walls to talk to ? No , talking it out couldn't solve things , best way is to shut & lock it up .

Thursday, May 20, 2010 Thursday, May 20, 2010

Phototaking today .. Hahahha ! Anyway , after training today , was chatting & it's funny ! Keep talking about "chicken" & we was laughing like mad !

HSH & bathed . I checked through my Amaths paper . & know what ?! I lost more than 10 marks on those fucking stupid careless mistakes ! Those mistakes are not even suppose to be made ! They are super stupid you know ! I can't even believe that i made them ! They are stupid until i am so frustrated ! I feel like banging the wall siah ! HEART PAIN ! Those mistakes are like : forgot to put (-) , should be bigger & equal to , i forgot to put the line below & got it wrong ! & many many others larh ! There's another one : CALCULATE WRONGLY ! What the fuck siah ! Heart pain larh ;C *sobsob*

I don't want to post anymore . UPSET , DISAPPOINTED , FRUSTRATED ! I go cry first . Hahaha , no larh , just kidding ..

Sunday, May 16, 2010 Sunday, May 16, 2010

I am totally pissed off by my brother today ! FUCK larh .
Imagine you are going have a happy time eating your breakfast & you siblings just make you fuck up . When i am taking the noodle , he asked my mum to take for him . This already irritates me. Can't he just take it by himself ?! How old liao ? Still need help arh ? Don't want take then don't eat larh !

Then my mum told him that i am going to take for him , which i never even thought of helping him . He don't deserve it . He didn't help by keeping quiet but said something that irritates me more ! He said : "I don't want jiejie help me take , cause i don't want eat things that she take"
When i heard this , i got even fucked up & shout that i don't intend to take for him & he just do those fucking faces ! If you were me , would you be fucked up ? I am already very kind enough just to scold hor , i didn't even went up to give him a slap .

Then , my ahyi took for him . Not only that , even taking water is like fucking difficult for him . He even need help on taking water ! WTF ! Does he need help on urinating ?! fuck .

Although he sprained his ankle but his doesn't deserve that priority , cause he did that even he did not injured . & it's not my fault for making him to be in this state , serves him right for always running out of house to play with friends . If he came home earlier , he wouldn't injured himself .

Next , why he need not do housework ? Just because he's a boy or he's young ?! What the fuck nonsense is that ? He always sit infront of the computer , playplayplay only , never study . asshole larh , bastard . Okay , enough , don't want to dirty my blog -.-

Saturday, May 15, 2010 Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jordon (:
Isaac (:

HEY people ! Although exam is not yet over , it's going to be the last paper : Bio P1 . I am super free now , so can take my time to post :D Heeehees ! Well many things happened lately huh . I will not elaborate so much . Hmmmmm .. Exams was so sucky , i flung my papers ;C

Isaac came to live with us , he's so cute :D Jordon will come almost everyday & they two play with each other larh . I sometimes buey tahan want to PINCH their chubby cheeks ! Hahahahaha ! It's fun playing with them yeah (:

Experience something recently .. See Zimin's blog for more info about this "him".
To "him" : You meant that we heard things from others ? So i am the others larh ? You said everything out from your mouth & i heard every single word from you , yet you still have the cheek to say i heard it from other ? Fuck ! You don't talk bad about other ? Hahahah , you are always doing it larh please . You seemed sincere but do you know that you are fucking fake ? You are just saying this for the sake of yourself . Intended to speak to us personally ? Do you even dare harh ? Don't dare jiu don't dare , don't say so much larh . You are such a hypocrite . fuck larh .

Wednesday, May 05, 2010 Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I think this will be my last post until MYE officially ends . -.- Chinese test was alright , but not Social Studies & English . OMG ! English got fucking lots of time but then the Social Studies no time ! :X 3 questions not done , KNN ! -.-

Forget it . Had Biology test today . WTF ! My 5 marks ! AGAIN , just like the previous test .. Fuck siah ! Five marks -.- Will be super busy .. Had to study like fuck !

ARGHHH ! enough of the vulgars , i am getting more & more violent ;C STOP VULGARITY ! Ahahahahahahahaha ! :D