Your voice was all i heard
I want you back.

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Me, Myself & I

ZIQING, 11.03.95!
I'm currently a student of Yuhua Secondary school. #11 Volleyballer. I ♥ TH-BUEYBAHHS & #11! I am not greedy because i just want lots of laughters! :D
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Look at my craps

Crap with me

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Take a big big bow

Please do not remove the credits. :)

Layout/Editor: Purple-licious
Resources: N-serendipity. kisses.away nutzzzzz xoxo

Friday, August 27, 2010 Friday, August 27, 2010

25/08/10 ; Wednesday
CONGO #03 :D

HEY ! Went school witha super extra trolley-.- Damn difficult to take , lucky no school for me , no need bring schoolbag & etc .. Lighten my burden :D I think i'll go mad if i got to take books with the trolley ! HAHAHA ! Attended assembly & gathered with others & took bus to Toa Payoh Stadium to watch the YOG Volleyball competition .


The highlighted ones are the one who won. I enjoy watching cause super nice , especially Peru & Japan one ! I supported Congo , Peru & Russia ! Peru's girls are hot, nice match man ! Congo's player very friendly ! I like their attitude :D Even they lose, they are still happy & they tried their best , the cute thing is that they still produced sound effects during match . So cute siah . They are like always hyper one . The way they treat things are totally different from us (:

Took picture with some of the Congo's player . I am so short ;( Love the #11 & #03 ! #03 still stick out his tongue cause he knew we taking pictures of him during their warm up . So cute ! Didn't manage to take picture with #11 ! ARGH ! :SSSSS Both #02 from Russia & Serbia are hot ! #11 from Russia too :D Took picture with LYO, HAHAAH ! He touched my head , lmao !

26/08/10 ; Thursday
School as usual .. Did compo for english , ewwwww ... I hate it . Maths & etc .. Had bio practical using data loggers . Do some maths at school & loop with yokelin on 99 cause we want use the YOG visa card . LOL! Saw 3 yog bus full of athletics ! I think they going to the closing ceremony . HSH & did homework .

27/08/10 ; Friday
It's another typical school day .. Had chinese compo , maths & etc as our weekend homework .. It's also the last day of the NIE teacher teaching us .. OMG , I gonna miss Mr koh (chinese teacher) . He's damn cute . After school was training . Trained at hall while boys went to CCAB for friendly with hwachong .

I knock my head on the floor when i was laughing at Claudia cause she keep hitting the bangala worker . It was like sort of paiseh & wtf . I got 1 baluku liao larh -.-WALAO , That BBW (yaoyao a.k.a jessica) still laugh at me  . Ahh , nevermind , she will have retribution one . HAHAHAHA !

After training went to eat & chat . Walked to huayi bus stop & Yokelin's leg cramp . Then she was like "Ahhh~" & it was damn funny , we all just couldn't stop laughing at her "ahhh" . HAHAHAHA ! HSH after that :D

Picturess of the YOG Volleyball

Friday, August 20, 2010 Friday, August 20, 2010

Memories are like bubbles which disappear silently .

I will be blogging less often lerh bahh .. I must really buck up on my studies , cause when teachers are teaching , i am like a idiot that don't know what the freaking hell are they talking about .. OMG . Seriously an idiot ;(

Had training at CCAB today , as usual , it was HOTTTTTT ~ HAHAHAHAHA ! WTH , i just have no strength to serve/spike over siah , suckyyy ~ ARGH , give me more strength larh . Some people just have too much , if they give me some , it will be good . Ziqing , dream on larh . HAHAHAHA ! 

When training , i just feel like sleeping ya , macham having lesson in class :S Maybe is because i keep waking up the previous night , no secure feeling . Just scaring myself cause i thought my time went wrong & i am late for school . IDIOTIC ME . I find it funny too . HAHAHA ! Training ends at about 5.30pm today , took bus 154 . Why it didn't rain siah , if it rains , it would be fun . HAHAHA !

Slept on the bus when they are all talking .. Freaking tired .. When i woke up , it's already reaching & i strained me neck .. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww ;( Why the bus seats can't be comfortable ?! So i can have a more comfortable position & i wouldn't strainnnnn my neck :X It was so sucky uhh . <3HSH after that , reach home pretty early today :D

What if I lost my memories ?

Saturday, August 14, 2010 Saturday, August 14, 2010

HAHAHA , saw my frog ? Cute right ?! Had training today . Woke up at 8am when training starts at 8am . LOL ! Reach school at 8.45 pm like that .. & found out that many were late , even chin also , he reach before me just by awhile . LOL ! Lucky larh , so no punishments .. Heehees ! 

Training today was not bad , but before the rally , all i did was keep complaining for water ! HAHAHAHA , i long time never request for water liao leh .. This makes me think of last time . HAHA ! IT WAS SERIOUSLY WARM & HOT ! 

I keep laughing during sparring . HAHAHA , jessica keep kena "spam" with ballsssss by us . HAHAHAHAHA ! Then i was like can't stop laughing .. I played sub-set today , hahah , idk how to guard & spike at that position siah . & today damn paiseh one can , alot of "errors" . HAHAH ! *shhhh..*

After training , headed to CU for lunch , then went to playground there play .. HAHAHAHA ! , walao , damn what siah . !@#$%^&( HAHAHA ! <3 HSH after that (: 

Yesterday's training , Gary & Wanjing argued , Wah , she good . Shout at him , asshole right ? So rude . I wondered why she was not given a slap . Like fuck larh , shout at seniors , even the coach siah . If Weihan didn't stop him , i think she already got bash up lorh . WTF ! After gary shout back , only know how to cry & stare . Please larh , it won't works , nobody's gonna entertain you cause you're the one at fault .You don't respect the seniors , don't expect respect from us . Little thing also scream until like kena fuck like that .

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 Tuesday, August 10, 2010


 Fry the flag . HAHAH ! Well , went to IMM with my parents .. Walk around & trained to Lakeside to meet Zimin , Kahman & Regin .. Took the red line , the good thing is we can to sit down . HAHAHA ! Hmmmmm .. We have no idea why we alight at marina bay , we should alight at city hall lorh .. Since we have already tap out , no choice , can only walk there .

We keep walking walking & walking .. Walk about 1 hour plus then reach :X Walk until so tired siah .. Then intended to have our dinner , but then all full house & it's freaking crowded . I hate crowded place sometimes , hahahaha ! Then no choice , went back JP .. 

Yokelin meet us at JP & we headed to KFC . I don't really like it , so i didn't eat . HAHAHA , i save money too :D Heehees ! Then walk around & while waited for Regin's dad to fetch her & Zimin home , we chat . Then we took bus home , & i feel like sleeping . HAHAHA :D 

On our way home , kahman suddenly asked me if i dare to look up at the trees & this reminds me of Bintan .. OMG , my answer was obviously no larh . So scary siah .. & she keep saying about the hungry ghost festival , make my hair stands . HAHAHA ! Though she is scare too , she still insist on saying it . HAHAHA , funny ah she ! 

Walao , national day was so boring larh .. & the 2 police sarcastic me siah .. Damn stupid -.- Hmmmm , there's still pictures .. Click the link below to see more of it ..

More pictures on facebook

Sunday, August 08, 2010 Sunday, August 8, 2010


 Well , today is also the day where schools celebrate National Day huh ! I didn't wore red tee to school , hahaha , not me fault larh , LOL ! The concert band was awesome ! Some songs are like lullaby siah , so slow & made me feel like sleeping liao . HAHAHA ! But overall , no national day feeling ;C Unlike primary school .. & primry school still combine their sports day with national day , they also provide students with red tee ! AHAHAHA ! 

Had training after that .. Did the agility drills , walao , like so tired larh .. Long time never do liao , plus old also . Hmmm .. actually not old larh , still young :D HAHAHAHA ! Sparring among the b girls .. Heehee ! Walao , i hate it siah , i keep can't received properly & also lost many balls behind the centre . ARGH ! My legs just like kena glued to the floor . Grrrr !

Ended training @ around 5pm .. B boys came back from CCAB then some stayed back to spar with them .. Again my receiving _|_ seriously .. HAHAHA ! I think i should cut down on my vulgarities . Yeah ! I have the heart to change okay . HAHAHA ! 

Rushed home bathed & changed . Headed to aunt's house to celebrate my boyfriend's birthday . HAHAH , chey , no larh . Isaac is just for me to pinch his chubby cheeks ! Fluffy too ! HAHAH ! He has grown chubbier & seems shorter to me . Haaahah ! There's one thing that never change , it's his soft soft cheeks . HAHA ! Well , played with him & another cousin , yixiang . Went home at around 11 plus & slept . Tiring day for me (:

Jayden (:

I long time never see him due to going home late cause of sup & training . Well , see him & he also , grown chubbier & heavier . LOL ! But still cute though :D I did pinch his face but not as soft as Issac's . The best pinchable cheeks still goes to Isaac . HAHAHA ! Jayden woke me up from my sleep siah , then keep laughing .. HAHAHA , CUTE larh ! Went JP with mummy & shop shop .. Then <3HSH :D 

Today is just a boring day for me . Finished my homework except for Chemistry , cause i never bring my textbook back .. Then i don't know how to write equation .. Ahdui , die siah .. I really don't know Chemistry starting from the chapter : calculation . I really have to buck up .. As for chinese compo , i did half & intended to hand it up like that cause i am really lost . Hmmm , i think nothing much lerh .. Yay , tomorrow going out :D

Thursday, August 05, 2010 Thursday, August 5, 2010

Look back at the happy moments :D

Hey ! I'm here to blog again yeah ? Where should i start from ? Hmmmm .. Today's lesson as usual larh , nothing much .. SPA was postponed again , third time liao . HAHAH , maybe it's fated or something ? But i will sure be on the next Thursday , sick also die die must go school , if not will have to do a more difficult paper . Oh my ... Had quite a number of homeworks although there is 4 days of break .. I really hate myself for always doing last minute work ! Awww , must buck up already uh , ass . 

After school , went to Lakeside MRT station with Yokelin to wait for Chin . Priscilla meet us at the platform after her di zi gui .. Wah , the teacher delay the time siah , make priscilla late ._. Trained to Redhill , accompany Priscilla to get her YOG things . Walao , my bag damn heavy larh . Yokelin & i walked until damn slow luh .. HAHAHAAH ! After Priscilla has collected her things, went to eat . The two cartoon that symbolised YOG damn cute can !  HSH after that :D I was laughing like mad today .. 

Firstly , do you know the definition of 'bootlick' ? I shall explain it in case you don't know . Bootlick is when a person keep praising someone who is at a higher position than he/she . It's not when a person get close to someone older than he/she . They meant totally different okay !?
Secondly , think of yourself before judging at others . You think that you're awesome ? Perfect ? No , you're not perfect please , bitch with such an evil heart is not perfect . You're just fooling yourself . Look at the mirror larh , gross !
Thirdly , by torturing others with such insulting words will only show how cheap you are . fucker !
Put yourself in others shoe , only then , you'll know how they will feel . You're so selfish . She have the abilities to that particular position , so just shut the fuck up & keep the comments to yourself . Like to gossip so much , it's no difference with those aunties . You will be punished is because of your stationary legs please , stop blaming others & reflect on yourself , bitch !