Your voice was all i heard
I want you back.

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Me, Myself & I

ZIQING, 11.03.95!
I'm currently a student of Yuhua Secondary school. #11 Volleyballer. I ♥ TH-BUEYBAHHS & #11! I am not greedy because i just want lots of laughters! :D
@Facebook @MSN @Twitter @Tumblr @Askme

Look at my craps

Crap with me

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Take a big big bow

Please do not remove the credits. :)

Layout/Editor: Purple-licious
Resources: N-serendipity. kisses.away nutzzzzz xoxo

Monday, September 26, 2011 Monday, September 26, 2011

HELLO ! Okay, i'm so lazy to 'broggggggggggggg' ! Sorry ah, stay tune for my next post okay ? :D Shall let the pictures do the talking ^^

 OMG, my face's so retarded ! :/

Bitchy eh ?
 When i tried looking at her innocently ..
 and she couldn't stand it , wanting to violate me :(((


Thursday, September 22, 2011 Thursday, September 22, 2011

Finally got to know all prelim results except for geography and English paper 1. Okay, they have such a low efficiency :/ I hope i've got B3 for English uhh .. Amaths was a nuisance , just one more mark and I could get A2 ! But no matter how hard i try to find that one mark, i couldn't :( Seriously desperate for that one mark can ! Stupid paper two , drag my whole result down ! *sob* 

During English lesson today, we were assigned one composition and i had difficulties starting and completing it on time ! Irkkkkk ! As usual, chemistry was a nightmare, well , i think i'm numb already . I must really buck up on all my subjects but i'm so lazy now ! 

You cause me to be perplex . Giving me a cold shoulder and the next moment , you're back again . Your capricious and apathetic character, left me in deep wonders . This scare me pretty much , i didn't know what to do . I think i'd lost all my faith in you , who knows when you will feel that again ? Does that means that i have to get used to your character ? It's like planting a bomb with me that will explode anytime . I felt the barriers coming between us , i guess it's a signal to tell me that things aren't going to be the same again . The fact that we couldn't lick our elbow had proved things that seem so close can be so out of reach . 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Omg, no girl, i can't do it anymore." HAHAHAHAHA ! THIS KID , LIKE A BOSS ! Actually i'm not suppose to be blogging now, i still have my essays, lying motionlessly, trying so hard to seduce me over to complete it. Like so slutty. I shall not disappoint it . HAHAHA WTF ! Ignore my nonsense okay.

Goshhhh, there's this disgusting guy talking to me now :X *eeeeek* Seriously gross to the max ! Ah whatever . Back to topic, kbox today and then walk walk in popular and homed after that . By the way, i met 2 kind souls today ! A cab uncle and a lady ! She saw me and shared her umbrella with me ^^ 

Will be getting back my prelim results tomorrow , GOD BLESS ME :/ Chemistry is kind of hopeless case :( I'm not going to update status on facebook so often already cause i find it somehow irritating when people update every single moments. So, i'm not gonna do something that i find it irritating . HAHA ! Twitter better, no . BEST i mean ! HAHAHAHA ! Follow me on twitter bahh :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011 Sunday, September 18, 2011

I shall blog for things these two days !

In the morning, I sacrificed my sleep to go for volleyball training, hen wei da horh ? I think so too !! We reached hall and initially , slack for few moments. Yokelin just bought bread, lying down and eat , super lazy ! We lied face down the floor and i soon fell asleep :/ After waking up , spar with the girls :) Pretty miss those times ! Food were bought back to school and we ate at the hall. After that arranged back the tables .. I really miss those times, the time where we washed our legs at the basin, the time we complaint about the training and such !

Headed to baby bean and then homed ! After preparing and such, went to jurong point's popular ! I got so hooked up with the books and didn't noticed my surrounding . And this pig papa, came and freak me out ! :/  Oh yarh , and i bought another book ! :D Walked around and went to meet pork-wen , HAHAHAHA ! (okay, this is bad, but nevermind ^^) at westmall . Watched Johhny English , he's like forever-so-stupid ! Had Sogurt and trained back. Pork went home first and we went to JCP . JCP is really a nice place to walk, so peaceful ! I shall go there more often :) Actually, i'm kind of guilty, making him revealing on something he shouldn't have said. Sorry :/ I really will shut my mouth up , HAHAHA ! 

I woke up at about 12 noon , wow ! I think it had been the latest time i woke up ! Had my "breakfast" and then some talk with my family (without my braaaderr). Dad asked me what i wanted to be/ what courses i wanted to go and all i can replied was i don't know. I think he gave up in the end and said other things . HAHAHA ! 

Then, i went to JCP mac to study with Vinh and Jeffery (Oh , a dog and a pig!) HAHAHAHA ! In the end i only did some biology and look through amaths. Really, when laziness strikes, you can do nothing :( We went to eat after that cause the mac desperately need seats for their guests. Vinh left then both of us headed to the library. We're like free and then prank others . HAHAHAHAHA ! It was so fun ! All kind of reactions and keith was at the discovery centre ! Okay , did some amaths and walked home after that .

Thursday, September 15, 2011 Thursday, September 15, 2011

Had English paper today, well , it's kind of hard as there's so much of inference questions . Geography paper is a bitch can . I didn't know how to read map to recognise the countries ., Okay , whatever , just fail and get over it . Shouldn't let studies affect me , seriously . I'm tired of it . But sometimes, its not what i could control :/ There's Amaths and chemistry paper 1 tomorrow . I thought i would do as much as possible , but i didn't ! Plain procrastination , Errrrk ! You shucks ziqing ! :( Self-destruction.

Sunday, September 11, 2011 Sunday, September 11, 2011

*super big sigh* Everyone is busying revising but i'm like so slack .. Actually i did study but i didn't know where to start with and end up doing nothing .. oh fuck , awesome or what ? Even if i try doing biology, nothing gets into my mind . Zzzz -.- I really wondered if i'm an express stream student :( Even if my brother didn't study, he could pass all his subjects. Kay, i'm stupid and slow :(

Saturday, September 10, 2011 Saturday, September 10, 2011

Irkkkkkk , i'm kind of frustrated now :/ And the thing is i don't even know what's going on , fffff ! There's so many things to study and i didn't know where to start , Prelims are just next week and Os in 40days ? With this not-motivated-and-hell-lazy attitude, how to study ??? :( *seriously turn off* I want to go normal academic or even normal technical , i think that suits me more since my result had been constantly decreasing . What's the point now ?


Heyhey ! This is my night post ! HAHAHAHA ! I went to Suntec to find bitch at her workplace , she was like so boring until i find her . She's just so stupid to not be able to find food . So i went to get for her . And and and , i got my PAPA SMURF ^^ At first when i buy, it's kind of embarrassing cause the guy was like "where's the kid where's the kid?" while passing the happy meal to me :$ But whatever , i got it :D I'm going to collect all of them, they're way to smurfingly cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee XD

Friday, September 09, 2011 Friday, September 9, 2011

It's such an awesomely nice movie ! And it turns out unexpectedly great cause it is unpredictable , everytime i thought it's going to end , it did not ! AHAHAH ! Every scenes seemed so funny and somehow touching . Seriously crazy stupid love ! 

Actually today should be a day to study at JCP's mac. Initially , i'm motivated and keep telling myself that i'm so going to study Biology . However , it turns out to be procrastination and i read my storybook instead :X Gosh, i think i'm gonna flunk everything :( During MYE, i promised myself that i can give it up and focus for Prelim , but now ? I tell myself just focus on Os . Irrrk , how annoying ! 

Geography , I can't understand anything except for vegetation . Really , i hate geography , why no history for me ? :( Geography is such an alienated subject to me .. Mdm Vani , why you not here ? :/ Chemistry , i'm so weak in it , okay shut up . That's just another hopeless case :( Fuck my life ! :X

I feel like crying :(

Thursday, September 08, 2011 Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's cute when children throw tantrum . Seeing their annoyed expression , it can really make you laugh . That's the innocence and pure side of them , maybe they're easily angry , but they're also easily contented . Just a sweet , it's enough to let them wear a wide smile across their chubby cheeks . It's cute , isn't it ? 

Everyone has a side where others never know. Even when you sensed something , you're afraid of asking . The fear of asking something you are not supposed to ask . Many time, i'd rather wait for them to let their feelings out when they want, when they're comfortable with it. While waiting, you saw their sorrow, where you really want to bring yourself to comfort them but you scared that you may trigger some painful memories . You saw it and yet you can't do anything . Really , it sucks :X If people were all like children, how great will it be ?

Wednesday, September 07, 2011 Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Finally, i'm extremely drained yesterday that i fell asleep once i lie on my bed ! Woke up in the morning, took my own sweet time to prepare and went off to school for one-to-one Maths sup from Ms Chan ! On my way there , saw Chin with Chelsea and Sabrina . Chin said that i act one hardworking student , which i didn't okay ! And I MISS BGIRLS'10 SO MUCH !!! SERIOUSLY :( I dreaded the coming of Os but i also want it to end quickly because i want to go back for volleyball ! 

Had Amaths sup and that really help ! Thanks Ms Chan ^^ I understood more and i shall really practice ! (hope i don't procrastinate) Okay , I love mathssssss :D Ms Chan said that i'm quite fast and that made me happy , maybe i'm easily contented . HAHAHA ! She also said she didn't want to call me cause i'm still okay, but in actual fact, i'm really not okay :( 

After that, went to library with my papa piggggggg . That stupid vinh put us on plane , and yet he's the one who asked us to go library ! Nevermind , then headed for tuition after that . Did some comprehension and a letter writing . I didn't know since when, i started liking English . The beauty and power of English , seriously awesome ! Although it's capricious, i just love it :D *grins* Mr Melvin had been asking if my stories are real, but it isn't ! I think my compo are filled with many emotions that make it seems real ? HAHAHA ! 

Half of the holiday had gone with the wind, and i'm still stuck at the same spot. Gosh, I'm really dead this time :X ZIQINGGGGGGGGGGGGG , PLEASE DON'T BE SO LAZY AND GET GOING TO STUDYYYYYYYYY ! :@ Okay, bye :)

Tuesday, September 06, 2011 Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Basically, went out with my long-time-never-hang-out-prettily-hot-babe-REGIN ! Wow, that's so longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg ~ HAHAHAHA ! Okay, enough ! Well, headed to Bugis at first, and we went to filmgarde to check out the time for Spy kid 4 but to our HORROR (okay, that's just exaggerating) , no spy kid 4 :( And Shaws were under renovation. Not our day maybe , shucksss !

After all , we went on to look for that shop : Actually actually and we were like two idiots walking around in search of it, so near yet so far ! After that , we cabbed to Orchard Cineleisure and caught Spy kid 4 !! It was extremely nice and cute ! Both the kid and the stepmother are pretty ! ^^ In the late evening, we went in H&M to take a look, their clothes are nice ! 

Then, Regin went home and i went to Suntec to look for yokelinnnnnnney :D Ziwei was there too :) After she packed up, we took 502 back home. Goshhh , have to go make my passport tomorrow , *sigh* . I hate admin stuffsssssssssss ! Zzz ..

Sunday, September 04, 2011 Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'd just wished to throw everything away and lie on the beach staring blankly to the surrounding . I'd always been fantasized by the soft and fine sand accompanied by the sound of waves crashing against the rock, maybe at night , the blinking stars with the dark sky. 

Today when i woke up, I'm still hoping that mum is at home so I'd my food . I'm alone in the house the whole afternoon and wanted my mum at home so desperately. To kill boredom, I switched on the television and left my homework spread all over the table but did nothing . How awesome ! Also, read my storybook. The girl was so pathetic, it was really heart-wrenching and I could decipher her thoughts. While reading, I seriously hoped that the stepfather can just fuck himself and die since he love to sex so much.

Okay, back to topic. When parents were back, I didn't know what's wrong . Maybe pms ? Attitude and such . *roll eye* Whatever it is, i can't be bothered much. Now i was hoping time would rewind back till the time where i'm all alone at home . At the least i had peace. Now i was hoping to go out , but didn't know where i should go . Had tried asking my pretty babe but i guess she isn't in the right mood . Nevermind, i think i should just try sleeping early.  Sleeping is like dying, HAHAHA Maybe ! When you aren't conscious of the things around you, die for that moment.

Cross fingers that i'm able to sleep, I hate sleepless night. Seriously, that desperation of falling asleep, make me feel like crying and whining to wear myself out. Maybe one night i shall go to JCP for a walk . It's a peaceful and serene park, it'll be great if there isn't any bangalas cause they are always in groups and making a din . 

Saturday, September 03, 2011 Saturday, September 3, 2011

How good would it be if everything can have a happy ending just like what can be seen from these stories . A big sigh for procrastinating so frequently . Get alive and do your work can ? Stop dreaming and slacking . Are you sure you wanna screw up everything ? 

Sometimes, i just wished that i can focus more . I wondered why can't i be like in the past .. I used to be a very hardworking girl , carrying all my studying materials around . When there's test , I would study , but now i can't be bothered anymore . I miss the old me . Nostalgia .